Voices – European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy

The CMPF has embarked on a new project to enhance media freedom and media literacy as essential elements for the functioning of our democratic societies. The first edition of this festival took place at the Leopolda Station in Florence on 14-16 March 2024, the upcoming one will be in Zagreb in February 2025.

This inaugural edition aims at bringing citizens, journalists, and media professionals closer to each other, encouraging their dialogue, and celebrating the pivotal roles journalism and informed public play in societies while fostering critical thinking around disinformation. 

This inaugural edition aimed at bringing citizens, journalists, and media professionals closer to each other, encouraging their dialogue, and celebrating the pivotal roles journalism and informed public play in societies while fostering critical thinking around disinformation. From tackling journalism’s evolution in a rapidly shifting digital landscape to equipping citizens with the tools to navigate these changes, Voices steered the conversation toward a more informed future through curated sessions, interactive workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities.

To stay up to date, subscribe to the Voices newsletter.

After Florence, the Festival has embarked on a journey across different European cities to spotlight media freedom and media literacy as essential elements for the functioning of our societies. The next edition will take place in Zagreb in February 2025.


Voices championed 10 journalists and media literacy advocates consisting of 10 awards for 1000 euros each to attend the festival’s first edition.

Professionals committed to either of these two fields who can showcase relevance, impact, and innovation in their work, were encouraged to apply. The call for entries for the next edition will open shortly, the criteria for the previous edition is available below.

This project is co-funded by the European Union.