The Observatory on the European Media Freedom Act is a project managed by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), serving as a hub of expertise on the new EU European Media Freedom Act Regulation (EMFA). The Observatory provides independent scholarly analysis and facilitates discussions regarding this crucial legislation, its implementation, and enforcement. Established in 2022, the Observatory closely monitors the legislative process of the EMFA, engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders and cultivating a comprehensive network of media regulation experts from academia, civil society, industry, and governmental bodies.
By providing detailed accounts of the debates among media professionals and experts, the Observatory offers valuable perspectives to the ongoing implementation process. The project generates regular analyses on the EMFA and related developments through various formats, including policy reports, academic articles, blog posts, and hosts events such as expert workshops, panel discussions, and conferences. These activities aim to foster informed discourse and collaborative solutions to enhance the effectiveness of media regulation within the European Union.
Interested in contributing? Submit your blog post proposal to Urbano Reviglio, Research Associate at CMPF.

The European Media Freedom Act: media freedom, freedom of expression and pluralism
In this study requested by the LIBE Committee at the European Parliament, CMPF researchers provide an overview of EU policies in the fields of media and information society, reflect on the legal basis of the proposed Act and anlyse its provisions. They conlude the study with a set of further policy recommendations.
The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) as meta-regulation
In this paper, author Marta Cantero Gamito discusses how technology convergence is affecting the regulatory landscape of media freedom and media pluralism in Europe and draws relevant policy recommendations in light of the proposed European Media Freedom Act.
Feedback on the proposal for a regulation establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
In this technical report, we highlight potential areas of improvement in the proposed European Media Freedom Act.
Study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online
The Study on Media Plurality and Diversity Online assesses the state of media pluralism in today’s information ecosystem.
CMPF’s contribution to the call for evidence on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA)
The CMPF team contributes to the call for evidence on the EMFA launched by the European Commission with scientific insights from its multi-annual research on media pluralism in Europe.

Media Freedom Act: how to fix media plurality
In this Information Labs podcast, our Scientific Coordinator Elda Brogi talks about the proposed “media plurality test” for mergers in the media sector, outlining potential challenges in its implementation.

Media Freedom Act: how to fix the media privilege
In this Information Labs podcast, our Research Fellow Iva Nenadić explains what the “media privilege” put forward by Article 17 of the European Media Freedom Act is, and highlights potential risks of abuse by malicious actors.