Research Associate

At The CMPF, Jan Erik Kermer is a Research Associate, with a particular focus on supporting the organization’s data analysis and data visualization capabilities. In January 2023, Jan successfully defended his Ph.D. in Political Science at LUISS Guido Carli University. During his doctoral studies, Jan was awarded an international scholarship by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to conduct research at the Media Data Lab at The University of Hildesheim. Jan’s research background is multidisciplinary, with research interests that lie at the intersection of media and politics. Specifically, Jan’s broader research interests include studies on the mediatization of politics, European identity, Euroscepticism, nationalism, populism, the politicization of EU politics, disinformation, and exploring the effects of artificial intelligence on media and democracy. Jan is also interested in the interdisciplinary field of computational social science research (CSS). Before joining The CMPF, Jan collaborated with Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) and The Center of Conflict and Participation Studies (CCPS) on a research project to assess social cohesion in public television broadcasting. Jan is also a teaching assistant for the undergraduate course in “Political Sociology” at LUISS Guido Carli University.