The Media Pluralism Monitor is a research project that assesses the health of media ecosystems in Europe, highlighting threats to media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union’s Member States and candidate countries. The current implementation is the Media Pluralism Monitor 2024 (MPM2024), which is based on data from the year 2023. It represents the seventh EU-wide implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor project.
To provide rigorous and sound findings, the CMPF team and the Country Teams involved in the project analyse 200 variables for the 20 indicators of the MPM, five for each of the four major areas: Fundamental protection, Market plurality, Political independence and Social inclusiveness.
The assessed risk scores for various indicators and sub-indicators are grouped as Low (0 – 33%), Medium (34-66%) and High (67-100%) in the text and data visualisations to aid comprehension. The findings highlight the risks for media pluralism and media freedom in the four major areas encompassed by the MPM.
The study comprises the European Union Member States as well as Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Furthermore, this year’s implementation of the MPM also features preliminary studies on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, and Ukraine.
Questionnaire Glossary Data Set Fundamental Protection Data Set Political Independence Data Set Market Plurality Data Set Social Inclusiveness
Country reports
The MPM country reports provide an in-depth, comprehensive analysis on the risks for media pluralism in a given country. All country reports are available in English and most of them are also translated into the national language. Both the English version and the translations are downloadable on the report’s page:
Explore the results
Select your area or indicator of interest on the MPM interactive platform to explore the state of media pluralism across Europe.
Please be patient while the interactive map loads. It contains a substantial amount of data, which may result in slower loading times!
*Bar graph scores reflect EU average and EU 27 + 5 (Albania, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey)A message from our Director

In ten years of implementing the Media Pluralism Monitor, we have observed the emergence of many new challenges in parallel with the digital transformation. Today, more than ever, there is a dire need to support journalism and media pluralism. We look forward to assessing the effects of the European Media Freedom Act in the Member States and call on governments to commit to protecting press freedom as a pillar of our democracy.
CMPF Director, Professor Pier Luigi Parcu
Errata corrige
7 november 2024. A mistake was spotted in the MPM 2024 data collection for The Czech Republic. Variables 76 and 77 were wrongly coded as not Applicable instead of High risk. After correction of the mistake, the risk level for the indicator Plurality of Media Providers increases to 83% instead of 80% as initially stated. The risk for the Market Plurality area increases from 77% to 78%. Finally, the risk level for the Czech Republic in general increases from 52% to 53%. This is however not modifying the position of the Czech Republic in the final ranking.
18 February 2025 – A mistake was spotted in the MPM 2024 data collection for Croatia. Variable 166 – How would you evaluate the support available for blind people? – was mistakenly coded as not Applicable, while it should have been coded as High risk. The correction does not impact the risk score for the indicator ‘Representation of minorities in the media’.