The Media Pluralism Monitor is a research project that assesses the health of media ecosystems in Europe, highlighting threats to media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union’s Member States and candidate countries.
The current implementation is the Media Pluralism Monitor 2023 (MPM2023), which is based on data from the year 2022. It represents the sixth EU-wide implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor project.
The Media Pluralism Monitor is a scientific and holistic effort to evaluate the current threats to a pluralistic and free media landscape in Europe. To provide rigorous and sound findings, the CMPF team and the Country Teams involved in the project analyse 200 variables for the 20 indicators of the MPM, five for each of the four major areas: Fundamental protection, Market plurality, Political independence and Social inclusiveness. Click here to read the full MPM questionnaire
The assessed risk scores for various indicators and sub-indicators are grouped as Low (0 – 33%), Medium (34-66%) and High (67-100%) in the text and data visualisations to aid comprehension. The findings highlight the risks for media pluralism and media freedom in the four major areas encompassed by the MPM.
The study comprises the European Union Member States as well as Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Furthermore, this year’s implementation of the MPM also features a pilot study on Ukraine and Moldova.
MPM Interactive Platform
Select your area or indicator of interest on the MPM interactive platform to explore the state of media pluralism across Europe.
Country reports
The MPM country reports provide an in-depth, comprehensive analysis on the risks for media pluralism in a given country. All country reports are available in English and most of them are also translated into the national language. Both the English version and the translations are downloadable on the report’s page:
Additional study on local and community media in Europe
The report Local and community media in Europe. A comparative analysis of the Media Pluralism Monitor data between 2020 and 2023 offers a comparative analysis of key issues in local and community media across 27 EU member states and five candidate countries (Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey) based on data gathered as part of the Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) project between 2020 and 2023.
Meet the MPM Country teams
The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom relies on a strong network of researchers with specific expertise in the countries assessed by the MPM. Hover on the map to meet the researchers who contribute to the project:
Data sets
Download the MPM data sets: Fundamental protection, Market plurality, Political independence, Social inclusiveness. You can also download the Glossary.
Errata corrige
April, 2024. In the general MPM report, a typo has been identified in the reported risk for the indicator 'Audiovisual media, online platforms and elections'. The correct aggregate risk score for this indicator is 36%, contrary to the reported 34%.
September 7, 2023. Two mistakes have been identified in the Social Inclusiveness area of MPM 2023.
The first error pertains to Lithuania. Variable 173, originally classified as low risk, has been updated to medium risk to maintain consistency with previous editions.
The second mistake involves Sweden. Variable 181, previously misclassified as medium risk, has now been corrected to low risk.
December 11, 2024. A calculus mistake has been spotted in the MPM dataset 2023 for France. A variable was counted twice in the calculus of the risk level. After revision of the calculus, the risk level associated with the sub-indicator Guarantee of Freedom online is therefore revised to 44% instead of 40%; while the risk associated with the indicator Protection of Freedom of Expression increases to 26%, instead of 24%; and the risk associated with the Fundamental Protection area increases to 32% (+1pp). This change does not impact the overall risk score for France (38%), nor its position in the final ranking.