Presentation by Florian Flamme, Researcher at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Visiting Research Fellow at the EUI
The presentation will focus on the influence of the intermediaries’ algorithms on the process of opinion formation.
New media have shifted the power of opinion in the digital world. Echo chambers and filter bubbles, environments in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, are the results of the new algorithmic mediation of information. They limit the users’ exposure to diverse perspectives, reinforcing presupposed narratives and ideologies and potentially increasing polarisation and extremism.
Attempts at regulation aimed at guaranteeing diversity of opinion in the digital space have taken place at both the national and European levels.
Against this background, the presentation will explore the relationship between the new State Media Treaty in Germany and the Digital Services Act, approved by the European Commission in April 2022.
For more information and to obtain the Zoom link, please contact the secretariat of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at cmpf.secretariat@eui.eu