Challenges and opportunities for journalism in the digital age
Digitalisation has changed communication in modern society, affecting how individuals seek, access, impart and diffuse information, and the media business model itself. The amount and speed of information spread coupled with the new actors that have emerged, such as large online platforms, and AI applications, constitute some of the main features of this new information ecosystem.
The challenges associated with digital transformation and AI applications are now at the centre of national and EU policy agendas, as a new reference framework is being built to ensure respect for rights and EU values in this new ecosystem. In view of this critical moment for policymaking at national and EU levels, the 11th edition of the Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners aims to discuss the challenges and opportunities for journalism in the new information ecosystem from legal, economic, and socio-political perspectives.
Building on the success of previous years, this edition of the Summer School will provide the opportunity for 20 journalists and media practitioners to learn about the latest developments regarding (and not only) the new EU digital framework affecting professional journalism and the media sector, as well as to share their experiences, ideas and points of view, creating thus a collaborative and critical experience for all participants. The Summer School programme is structured around keynote presentations by distinguished experts and follow-up interactive sessions.