This EMFA Talk will delve into the guarantees for independence of Public Service Media outlined in Article 5 of the European Media Freedom Act.
The session aims at exploring the provision’s role in shielding public media organisations from undue pressures, which might be exerted through governance and funding mechanisms. The discussion will address the challenges in implementing these safeguards and propose pathways for reinforcing autonomy in editorial decision-making. As always, the primary goal of EMFA Talks is not just to identify potential shortcomings of the EMFA or identify its challenges but to provide actionable insights and constructive solutions for a coherent application of the new Regulation across Europe.
Key questions will guide the discussion: What is the situation at the European level, so far, in terms of independence of PSM? What is expected from the implementation of Article 5 in practical terms? How to deal with domestic legislation that is not in compliance? What are the specific mechanisms that can be introduced to protect public service media organizations from subtle forms of interference? And how can governance and funding procedures be made truly transparent, non-discriminatory, and objective?
This 90-minute talk will kick off with a brief introduction to Article 5 EMFA by Matteo Trevisan, Research Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, followed by two presentations by Enrico Albanesi, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Genoa, and Jenny Weinand, Legal Counsel of the European Broadcasting Union.
After that, a Q&A session will be opened, during which comments and reflections will be shared by Kristina Rozgonyi, Senior Scientist at the Center for Innovation Systems & Policy at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), and Renate Schroeder, Director of the European Federation of Journalists.