Via dei Roccettini 9
50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)

Join editors Elda Brogi, Iva Nenadić, and Pier Luigi Parcu as they present their latest book ‘Media Pluralism in the Digital Era: Legal, Economic, Social, and Political Lessons Learnt from Europe’.
A limited number of free copies of the book will be available, and the launch will be followed by a cocktail reception.
After ten years of in-depth research conducted under the Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) project, the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom has published a book that gathers key findings and presents the results of its extensive efforts over the years.
The book comes at a pivotal moment, addressing the crisis of informed citizenship, the economic challenges to a sustainable business model for the media, and other challenges faced by journalism as a cornerstone of a healthy democracy.
In an unconventional format, the contributing authors will not present their chapters but will instead share brief provocations inspired by the research that underpins the book. The discussion will feature online contributions from Anna Herold (Head of the Audiovisual and Media Policy Unit at the European Commission), and Anna Morandini (researcher at the EUI’s Department of Law) as a discussant. Andrea Simoncini (Professor at the University of Florence) will introduce and moderate the discussion.
The book was born from a collaboration by scholars, journalists, and researchers from 27 European countries and provides a comparative and longitudinal analysis of the evolution of conditions and standards relevant for sustainable, free, and plural media and journalism in Europe in the last decade.
The chapters draw on data from the Media Pluralism Monitor. This scientific tool is designed and implemented regularly to document the health of media ecosystems, and to provide insights into central dimensions of media systems across the EU and candidate countries.
Access the book at this link.